Thank you for taking the time to browse my Blog, The Grumps – Rants of a grump old man.

I am under no illusion that you came here on purpose, but I do hope you will come back on purpose.

I may ramble on about many subjects, Beer, architecture, life. Whatever I feel like really. 

I hope you enjoy, please feel free to leave comments.

A note from me

I do hope you enjoy not only my rants, but some of the more thoughtful pieces. Even for a grumpy old man, I find writing something of an escape. When I sit down and write about a topic, the world goes on hold. That is a good thing. The world will not top spinning just because I want to take some time out. It is a lesson that many people could do with learning.

I know my place

I recognise my place on this planet. I am no more important or essential to the world than the next person. If someone does not get a response from me in seconds, does it matter?

The World we live in

The world is becoming more and more intense. We deal with more data and information than we should ever have to. I am sure there is a tipping point where we have too much data. In my opinion we have already passed that point. In many ways, it is like cash points; we coped before and we will cope after them. We coped without all this information and I wonder if we really need it all.

The Pub

One of the best places to talk about this stuff is the pub. You will see from my blog posts that I am not unfamiliar with such establishments. You may gather that I am not a fan of big chain pubs. I more favour the small independent hostelries. Those that offer the opportunity to talk to people. Pubs that sell traditional real ale. I have grown out of lager. Craft ale is, in my opinion, awful. 

If you don’t agree with the stuff I write, so be it. I am not here to please you and tell you want you to hear. I will give you my opinion. Having an opinion is important. It is a great freedom we have being able to express this freely.

Deal with it

If you don’t agree with the stuff I write, so be it. I am not here to please you and tell you want you to hear. I will give you my opinion. Having an opinion is important. It is a great freedom we have being able to express this freely.