Basket of Bread


I read once (on a blog that sadly exists no more) about the wonderful simplicity of bread. The blog went on to talk about how glorious the smell of freshly baked bread is and how it can make a house seem home.

For me, there can be no more satisfying snack than warm fresh bread, fresh butter covered with a slice of high quality fresh ham. This is blissful both in texture and simplicity.

Bread is one of those simple things that we all take for granted. but how many of us select the mass produced sliced bread that fill the supermarket shelves? If we are feeling generous and in need of a treat, we may venture to the instore bakery and select a more traditional bread. I know which category I have sadly fallen into for many years.

It is sad that many independent bakers shops no longer exist. I recall as a child cycling to my paper round each morning and savouring the smell of the morning bread being baked. Even as a child, I enjoyed the exquisite odour.

When I read the aforementioned blog, and the way it described the smell of freshly baking bread permeating throughout the house, I was inspired to make this happen in my abode and to perhaps recreate those memories of the local bakers shop.

The art of making bread is probably one of the most historic recipes that we have today. Passed down through the generations. There is a bewildering plethora of recipes and types. In my opinion, there can never be a substitute for the simple white loaf.

I have to admit, I have not yet reached the level of making bread manually from the raw ingredients by hand. I do employ a modern bread maker to assist me. It is a convenient trade off between the time I have and my desires to go back to basics. It does however make devine bread and in doing so, fills my house with the sublime smell of freshly baking bread. I do hope to abandon the use of technology, and create the bread by hand.

There is a great benefit of baking your own bread. Even with a bread maker, the experience is all encompassing. The careful measurement of the simple ingredients, watching the bread rise and even the washing up afterwards. The activity transcends the ages and is such a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of today’s world.

Perhaps my blog will inspire you. Perhaps you will take up some baking. I encourage you to try. Go back to basics. Enjoy the experience of eating simple food that has been gifted to us from old.

Try fresh bread!