
Do I have it wrong?

As a country, the United Kingdom has been in lock down for several weeks. The rules that we are operating under are simple, or so I thought. Seeing some people, I have to ask, Do I have it wrong?

I am very fortunate as I have a nature reserve on my doorstep. I am able to undertake my 1 hour of exercise alone, with social distancing very much in mind. I understand that many people do not have such a wondrous resource to use on their doorsteps. As such I note that for some, it is less pleasant. However, this is no excuse for stupidity, ignorance and arrogance.

They say you can’t teach stupid. It seems you cannot quarantine it either.

In Nottingham, it is believed that cycle activity was up over 300% during the last weekend over normal levels. In essence this is good news; people are exercising. However, I have witnessed groups of 5 – 20 cyclists out together. Clearly they don’t all live together, so it is against the rules. Do I have it wrong?

I have witnessed groups of mums out walking together with their kids. I find it hard to believe that they all live in the same house. It is a group of more than 2. Not only this, but judging by the car keys they were carrying, they had clearly driven to meet up. Do I have it wrong?

On my way home from the hospital earlier in the week, I felt so tired that I used the bus rather than walk. I was the only passenger on the bus at first. Another traveller boarded and sat on the seat behind forcing me to move. Is this social distancing or common sense? Do I have it wrong?

The rules are really simple

The rules are really simple. The vast majority of the population is doing an amazing job of staying in and being sensible. To all of those people, I thank you.

For those cockwombles that think they know better. Believe the rules don’t apply to them. Perhaps they feel it won’t happen to them. To this people I say don’t be so selfish, arrogant or stupid.

Consequences of stupidity

For those breaking the rules, I have one simple message; Stop!

I care not a jot for you. I do care for the people you may infect. The people in the emergency services and the NHS that put themselves in harms way to look after you and your victims are heroes and they should not be put in more danger than they already are.

When I see your actions, I weep for humanity.


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It has been suggested to me that what we are living through now is something that you would normally expect to read in a history book. Coronavirus is indeed writing a new chapter of that book. Perhaps the chapter can be called the Coronavirus legacy.

The disease does not recognise rich or poor. Nor does it select who to infect based on age or race.

Approaching the peak

At the time of considering this particular blog post, the United Kingdom believes it is approaching the peak of the pandemic. There is little more I can do right now. I will continue with social distancing and staying home. All that is left for me to do right now is consider what legacy the virus may leave behind.

A change is happening now, let us not change back.

It is probably no understatement to say that the country, indeed the world, will never be quite the same again.

Whilst there can be no doubt that the virus is powerful, we can also be sure that we will overcome. As a human race, we do come together when the need arises.

Staying positive

It is at this sort of time, that a person needs to stay positive. The crisis does seem to be bringing the best out of people. There are so very many positives to take.

Over 700,000 people have volunteered to help the NHS. There are hundreds of local schemes to help support the community. So many great stories. Examples of the community becoming one in a way perhaps not seen since the war.

If you have read any of my other blogs, you will know that I often appeal to people to slow down and ‘be in the room’. This crisis is forcing us to do that. The space in schedules is allowing people to think about others. To consider the community and the greater good. It is allowing people to rekindle the spirit and to consider others. I consider it truly glorious that what people call ‘the war time spirit’ is being rediscovered and acted on.

Keeping the legacy

I really hope that once this crisis is over, that each and everyone of us reflect on what has happened. We must remember the bad and learn those lessons. We must however ensure that we really remember and embrace that good. Would it not be a wondrous Coronavirus legacy for even some of this awesome community spirit continues.

Please consider how you can carve out some time to continue this legacy when we return to normality.

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High Street

The high street

The high street has for years been a centre of a community or town. It has been a hub of activity and a place to obtain a wide range of goods. Alas, things are changing. Out of town retail parks and the internet are having a dramatic affect.

People say, rightly so, that the high street needs to change to survive. This, however, is nothing new. Change is really the only constant in life. Looking back, it is somewhat amazing to see the change that has already occurred.

Change is the only constant in life

Change has and continues. In the years that I recall, the number of bars, coffee shops and eateries have increased to take the space left as the shops depart. Even with this change, the High street is still struggling for survival.

The above is doubly true in these crisis times caused by the COVID-19 virus. Daily we are seeing companies fail and I wonder what shops, pubs and restaurants will open when we emerge from this crisis.

Is the entertainment and hospitality industry stable enough?

As the High street re-invents itself and adapts, there is a hope that both the Cafe culture and perhaps the entertainment industry can revive the fortunes of this precious local resource. The question for me is can the public support this change. Do they want to?

Such changes will rely on the public’s disposable income being sufficient. For the public to have the cash and the desire to spend in such places when all the household essentials have been procured.

In my opinion, this puts the High street at risk once more. It makes it so very vulnerable to the ups and downs of the economy.

The community needs to buy in

If the Coronavirus crisis has taught us anything, it is surely that there is a strong and undeniable community spirit bubbling below the surface. At the heart of any community, are these community spaces.

Would it not be wonderful if additional community facilities were to be created on the high street. Something for everyone and for all ages.

To survive, our High streets need to continue to adapt and more importantly to innovate. They need to do this in-line and with the backing of the community. A place to be social, entertained, fed, watered and provisioned. Perhaps even educated.


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Respect for Opinions

Do you have respect for opinions held by others?

In a perfect world, this should not even be a question.

Each and everyone one of us has opinions and beliefs. We have likes and dislikes. This is a very positive situation. So why do some people not respect this?

I am sure most of us have acquaintances with whom we avoid topics of conversation. We do this because we know they won’t listen. There is a certainty that they will do nothing more than force their opinions on others.

This is shows no respect for opinions.

My belief is that opinions are wonderful and personal. I believe that they should at least be heard. Even if people don’t agree with them, at least do me the courtesy of listening. In return, i will listen and consider your opinions.

No one person can know everything

Opinions are not facts. Rather, they are beliefs and ways of thinking based on assumed facts.

No single person, knows everything. This is a fact that I truly believe. This is why opinions are so important.

Through vibrant discussion, active listening, deliberation and consideration we can build true opinions. These opinions should never be set in stone. They should constantly evolve. Only then will the opinion be the best it can be.

Constant improvement

Like anything in this life, we constantly try and improve. Rarely is the first iteration of anything the best it can be. This is why it is so desperately important to garner opinion from many sources. And to listen to that opinion.

The best opinions are those forged by listening. Absorbing information and formulating it all into your own opinion.

Please remember, the opinion will only remain valid and relevant if you constantly adapt it on new lessons.

Be open, and most importantly, respectful to the opinions of others.


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Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash